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Precious metal refining
In an age of increasingly scarce resources, there is an urgent need for a sustainable and resource-saving form of reprocessing and use of every form of valuable and residual material. Due to their intrinsic value, the recovery of precious metals is particularly important here.
As residue of industrial and other processes, the precious metals to be recovered are present in different composites. So they require a multistage purification process, which is to be constructed depending on the starting product and the purity level to be achieved. Often referred to “dross”, starting products are usually companded with combustible organic materials, so that the first stage of treatment requires an incinerator for mineralization with downstream flue gas cleaning system.

With this in mind, RUPPMANN has continuously optimized the self-developed dross incineration technology and adapted it to every new field of application. In doing so, in our focus are the following points:
- A furnace construction that fits the product range
- Economy due to minimal losses of precious metal
- Maximum environmental protection in compliance with the limit values according to 17th BImSchV